
"Nothing" Does Not Exist
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Author:  Knot4Prophet [ Thu Jan 27, 2011 6:42 am ]
Post subject:  "Nothing" Does Not Exist

Nothing becomes something as soon as we label it "nothing" because the act of labelling it alone, gives it some attribute, thereby making it "something" and no longer "nothing" nothingness exists as an unexisted existence, until we attempt to label it, then nothing become something.

Can something have an unexisted existence? Certainly not.

So then, clearly, "nothing" does not exist at all, because if it did, it would no longer be "nothing".

Author:  Ted Maul [ Thu Jan 27, 2011 8:01 pm ]
Post subject:  Re: "Nothing" Does Not Exist

I'm pretty sure I've experienced bouts of nothing, it's when I couldn't account for the time between when I fell unconscious and the time that I woke up dead.

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