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 Post subject: Can't Blame The Dealer
Unread postPosted: Mon Jul 21, 2008 2:18 pm 
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Well? You can't really. He is offering a service and has no emotional, moral or legal responsibilities toward who he is selling to. He doesn't even need to tell you whether or not "this is good shit" or "actually I just sold you diesel crack" .

You went into the market looking for shit, you cannot blame him or say he is destroying lives.

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Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 1:22 pm 
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No legal responsibillities? techinically yeah, since the action alone is ILLEGAL, so anything beyond that is pointless, like whether or not to tell them "this is good shit."
But, are they responsible? I think they are, morally. And since our laws are derived from morality... hence ILLEGAL...

I see where you are coming from, though. Our drug laws are what created drug dealers in the first place, but does that excuse individual actions?... no.

So, if you sell something to someone you KNOW will hurt them, you're not responsible at all for it, because THEY wanted it?

If you ever open a pharmaceutical company, or any other company that sells consumable products (or products in general) .... I think I'll have to pass on buying anything from it. :)

"To surrender to ignorance and call it God has always been premature, and it remains premature today." - Isaac Asimov

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Unread postPosted: Thu Aug 07, 2008 11:37 pm 
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What makes a drug dealer morally responsible for the effects his product has on the buyer? Should department stores that sell rope be blamed for the small percentage of suicides that are hangings? The purpose of the drug is to get high. Whatever that maybe. The dealer is not responsible either way.

I'm glad someone fuckin' chimed in.. finally.

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Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 7:43 am 
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Well there must be some type of moral responsibility for something someone sells, otherwise there would be no legal structure applied to it, and there is.

Since drugs are illegal, we cannot sue in court for damages from products that are misrepresented or faulty.

But in this area, there is still a moral justice - you sell fake dope and you'll get your head bashed in, eventually.

Now I also see Barrett's point, in that if you sell someone some acid and they slit their throat open on it, the seller isn't responsible any more than the seller of the knife is responsible.

The real difference in moral responsibility here is based on "rational expectation."

What the buyer expects from the seller is mostly based on the seller's representation. Millions of people have taken acid and not died so it's irrational to expect that someone would die or kill himself while using it. Does that mean that no one who uses the drug ever dies from it? Of course not. But it does mean that responsibility is tied to rational expectation which is obvious if a dealer were selling, say, rat poison and calling it coke.

Don't believe me that there is a moral responsibility in selling drugs? Try selling rat poison and calling it coke and see how rich you get. Lol.


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Unread postPosted: Fri Aug 08, 2008 8:31 pm 
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Aye but at the same time it's not the dealers fault if you destroy your life on pure cocaine. You know what The only successful dealers I know don't touch their own shit and often will tell you to stay away from it. It's a rational expectation that coke will destroy your life if you let yourself become addicted to it through repetition. So The dealer is absolved then. Unless he's making a claim about the drug such as "This is good shit" when it's actually rat poison.

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