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Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 8:20 am 
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What is it about being online that allows people to so readily speak in ways they wouldn't in person?

Partly, it's because cowardly, insignificant, ineffectual, inferiority-ridden losers can say shit that they'd never have the balls to say in public to someone, for fear of getting their face caved in.

But that doesn't explain the sheer variety of un-abashedness found on the internet, especially for example in the no-holds-barred Debait/Apostasy free speech chat room.

I have some further thoughts on this but I want to see what other people have to say, first, before I take the time to articulate.


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Unread postPosted: Sun Aug 30, 2009 10:07 am 

Joined: Sat Aug 01, 2009 8:09 am
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Yay for the free speech room knotty, otherwise where would the otherwise socially abandoned feel at home? You are doing a social service that would normally cost their countries a small fortune, but alas i don't feel this is the tangent the thread should be heading. I'd prefer to talk about all the personalities in the room and have maybe a few speak up about themselves.

*Pats knottys couch*

Personally, i'd describe myself as more adventerous online, but i'm basically meek, mild and libraian in nature....but no one ever seems to get me on a good day.

Who's next?

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Unread postPosted: Sat Oct 03, 2009 3:42 pm 

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I think the first allure of talking unabashedly to anyone else on the web is the perception of anonymity. The ability to see one's own words in their raw glory without having to adjust for a particular social situation and then have those thoughts posted wherever and everywhere is one hell of a tempest. Anyone can see their thoughts go all over the globe and know that people are reading them and are being affected by those thoughts, even in the smallest and seemingly insignificant ways. It kind of numbs the reality of being, and therefore feeling, small in a big world. The web has made it possible for anyone's opinion to be heard by a huge audience without the fear of having their voices drowned out by the audible roar of the crowd. You can't yell louder than the next person. The volume isn't sound, just sheer amount of content. It seems to be akin to the psychological effects of wearing a mask to change the persona of the wearer. Folks can be as what they want, even if it's a part time thing. We can change our "image" of who we think we are, putting on the costume of what we choose and then play the role we believe will actually affect real change in others' perception of who we are.

It's real easy to hurl insults or indignation at our online neighbors 'cause we don't have to worry about seeing them at the mailbox or over the backyard fence. There isn't that immediate threat of having to maintain a level of civility so peace is kept around our homes. I mean, how many of us would say half the things we do to put others down if they knew where we slept or what building we worked in? One can call that guy a dirty asshole or that girl a snippy bitch and have relatively no fear of meeting them in a parking lot when they're armed with a baseball bat.

Another numbing effect is we don't see the person we're talking to. We don't see the subtle nuances of body language as they hear what's being said to and about them. We don't see the anger or shame rising from within, or get the personal satisfaction humans do when they see the comment really sink in. Just as in face to face conversation though, most folks react with the emotions and words can be typed rather hastily without much evidence of forethought. Then the tennis match starts, with grown adults sounding like two little kids on a freaking playground arguing about who's sandbox it is. No new ideas or understanding, just another manifestation of emotional words that don't seem to change a damn thing.

The upside to all this is the fact that our words and ideas can be heard, understood and followed on. We can make the connection with others and genuinely relate to people we may never meet in person, but the respect and fellowship is real and living. (I can't tell you how many times that I've read something aimed at me and wanted to beat the shit out of the person for saying that but couldn't 'cause they lived somewhere across the street and 400 miles to the west, or how many times I wanted to sit down with someone and have a beer because of the insight or genuine honesty of what they told me.) It never ceases to amaze me how the web is a manifestation of the human mind, from one end of the spectrum to the other. If you want to explore human thought, just sit down and click. No textbooks necessary.

Regardless of how the web has changed so much of how we relate to one another through a screen and keyboard, nothing beats face to face contact for teaching and showing ourselves how we have to live with one another, regardless of who we are. Having a sense of empathy for the fingers typing on the other keyboard is the only way we keep this from sinking into another pit of chaotic human noise and confusion.

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Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:04 am 
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Take it for what you will...

I'm pretty much the same in a chat room ,message board I am outside that medium,or as people say "in real life".Fortunately for the denizens of Apostasy ,MY TYPING SUCKS , and the result is I rarely am able to condense the commentary or response I'd like to give , remain current,coherent, AND ensure my spelling legible. My language and speech pattern is a tad restricted within that venue.You do see who I am though.(When I was in high school typing was an elective, I elected not to.)

That has been a mistake in retrospect but, hell, we gotta have a few regrets, no? To be honest I don't regret it too much.Trust me you don't either.WOOHOO

Just keep in mind most of what I add is streamlined.*Smile* you see.<g>

Due to that I will sometimes back away from a serious or wildly philosophical discussion because at my typing rate , to add:
"yes , but it's that very same 'sprawl" and concentration of thousands occurring at the same time within humanity at large that I think is probably most likely the reasons for the crimes, indifference and the feelings of estrangement or "not fitting in" felt by many, or at some times all of us... man is a creature that evolved traditionally in tight nit groups of 100 or less, and everyone had a sense of purpose,they added to the success of the group, and if a person didn't have a niche..the group found him one, and that person felt vital, if nothing else, it would be hard to become a car thief.. **WHERES MY CAR?...wait...WHERE THE FUCK IS WENDELL?** " This is a dynamic(sense of belonging and being a part, "wendell") exhibited within the room BTW. But that's another topic.

IRL I can say that in 15- 20 secs(full of arms, hands moving. walking for effect etc) ......but to type that, the subject has probably changed to Druid sex (lubed or no? blindfolded?under or in a tree?) by then.

I observe and pick my spot.I have found that sort of "honed brevity" makes for very "profound sounding" statements....probably due to predicting where the convo will go..and looking for the expected pause, then inserting that 'contribution" referenced earlier.

I think we probably are more segmented within the room, by whatever the spirit of the room is at any given time.
I don't conduct myself much differently when things get crazy in the room,than when that same type situation IRL arises... it's exactly how I would and do act and respond.Maybe people don't let the "insane blather" flow as much IRL...I do.So do the people in my circle.If you take the time to notice(I do with you), when the time for a serious tone comes up, I adjust, but.., as I am IRL a bit of humor IMO applied in the right manner will always facilitate any process(hostility to love).Whether that is plotting the .. 0...nvm.You get me.

There are areas in a room that just defy interaction ..for the most part. Frustrating to do through wires.You think of what you'd like to do to that "in your face pedo", overly abrasive's, trolls...It's probably good there is that separation...and I keep in mind those ones that do play the pedo game are abusive ,etc..because of that 'safety", wouldn't IRL, for the reasons below.

There is one area I don't tread much in any room and that is the insult/battle of the brain "I'll kick your ass" area.I don't do that in real life.I won't interact with those people due to the fact in real life when some of the insults we've all seen are thrown, I beat the everloving monkeyfuck dogshit out of that person.
I'm not one for parrying threats back and forth before it comes to fisticuffs.If it's threatened once why wait for witticisms?
So, as in real life and in the virtual life I tend to identify and not react with those people, much if at all.
To me again the room is still a mirror, at times subdued, at times magnified, but still a mirror because it still is a reflection of ourselves.No matter what we decide to reveal or hold back, you still get a feel for one another.After a time you see the "innerself" a person is, maybe just a glimpse.Completely?, no .How many people do you completely know on a level of "all"?..... not many.Some of us are gifted at that. You are fortunate if so.

We would be lying to ourselves to say that persona you present doesn't represent who you are.At some level.

If the person you do present is 100%'re a freakin nut...there are those too.

Here and IRL.

my two cent's

A lie is something that's only valuable to yourself. Truth is valuable to everyone. If the only thing you have to offer is something that is only valuable to you, then people will eventually not seek you out for what you have to offer.

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Unread postPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2009 3:15 am 
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I like the way this thread is developing. Very well thought out posts. Both tripp and Scar have hit on some issues that I also want to look at a little more closely, when I have some time to write it out proper, once I'm done moving, here.

Nontheless, I am following the thread and the other recent posts on the site, and they have me reflecting, while I'm busy with life.


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Unread postPosted: Wed Oct 14, 2009 7:30 pm 

Joined: Thu Jul 23, 2009 2:15 pm
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I've enjoyed the posts, Scar. Things in my little corner have been moving at a different beat lately, hence my lack of response time.

I go through some of the same mechanics while posting anything. Spelling, usage, flow etc. I do enjoy the fact that time can be taken in this form of communication to ensure thoughts are represented correctly as I think them. Perhaps this is my personal wish for a sense of decorum and civility when talking to anyone about anything, even if we are at opposite ends of the spectrum of the topic. I also have a great dislike for being misunderstood.

One great thing about the web is it gives people who would otherwise be scared of talking to a large group a shield to talk from behind. No mass of eyeballs staring at every inflection. This is also true for those who may be itching for a verbal fight or want the voice that usually rants an arena to be heard, hence the knuckleheads that somehow believe there's a connection between Obama, the Hollow Earth theory and their aunt's varicose veins.

I agree with you that the true mirror reflects, no matter how we manage the image that others see. We aren't able to communicate anything without showing people something about ourselves that we may think hidden. This can change a bit from person to person, depending on awareness.

No nuts here, just another crazy dragon.

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