You’ve based your argument on me being a coward simply because I have not given a name or precedence as to how I have been on WinMX longer than you? Blimey.
Calling someone a coward only holds up in certain contexts, bear. By all non zany definitions, the following represent cowards. Say for example a friend is getting beaten up by a group of twat chavs wearing t-shirts caked in sweat, kebabs, alcohol and a splash of mud; you stand back and do nothing. Say for example someone does a hit and run on a child and never takes responsibility for their actions. But for a user on WinMX who changes his name regularly? No, come on, I mean, I donno. GET THE FUCK OUT OF HERE!
If I was to give you the following names: Tittybingo,100turdflushes Stinky-one-of-all. Would it make any fucking difference? Like fuck it would.
Anyway, seeing as your dick is harder than trigonometry for me. I shall throw you a bone, or rather, just a shogun heal stomp on your entire (coward) argument. Go ask ashwing who I am. Apparently some of these e-cowards don’t tell people who they are. Heh. Ashwing hit the nail on the head fucking months ago.
"I've read and re-read yer last post"
Let me put things into perspective regarding what you do with your bandwidth. You need to continue reading and re-reading my posts (heh) and concentrate on yours much more because they are not logical and they are easily defeated. Fucking hell! You’re about as smart and logical as a bee trying to fly through a fucking closed window.
"I don't think I asked yer opinion. Besides the dress fits. You are a jealous cowardly cunt and I've demonstrated exactly how you are".
Blahdy blahdy Blah, the hip-hip-hoo-fuckin rah! Slap yourself on the back. YOU’VE DEMONSTRATED SHIT ALL! MOTHERFUCKING UNO! Look above. That shit doesn’t fucking fly. I’d love to hear the jealous one. And the insecure one too; can’t be forgetting that one. To be fair, I think you just stringed the most common insult you use, the one that has a little rhyme to it and ran.
"And you were sparking posts *from* me, twit. Which means at the time it was 2".
Hang on. Let’s get something straight. On the 15th of September I posted a death warrant for you, nobby and zard. It goes, nobby is dead, Knot killed zard and bunch of fucking rooms. And now it stands with me having dragged you half a block, threw you over a six-foot wall and i’ve proceeded to disarm, overpower and fucking feed you to your own gun thereafter. All with a load of ink to say you stink. So, it was more than fucking 2. Got it.
Now that my brain farm has warmed up i’ll continue to crack open some vicious demented 1664 toxins and let some audio psychosis build from my speaker cones because that’s what’s required here. You, the source, your posts, they are simply not of sufficient quality to motivate. I go looking for youtube tunes and some good old premier Kronenbourg for motivation here. Well, those and i’m just a stubborn cunt.
Actually, that’s why you will never defeat me in this thread. Not logic, not smartness – although I am taking the piss out of you on both those fronts. No, it’s because I’m a very stubborn cunt. I will not leave this thread until you wave a white flag or go on the run.
Now some might say that’s just pathetic, adolescent or whatever. You’re probably fucking right; I don’t really give a shit though. My reason for it is more that I feel the warm and tingly masculine ethic tugging at my heartstrings, informing my conscience that my dick will drop off and never grow back if I concede to a fat kid.
Movin on to your question, which has been fucking answered already by me and by your own sloppy fucking actions. But ohhhhh no! I have to state my fucking points like: 5.4 THIS IS WHY YOU ARE IGNORANT. Apparently this is what you require. You require me to talk to you like you’re a small child with me waving a fucking ice cream in front of you as to hold your attention.
Actually 1.0 arrogant 2.0 ignorant 3.0 self-righteous 4.0 twat would be a good fucking laugh. The only thing stopping somethin like that up to now is because I suck at being able to condense my thoughts and prevent them all exploding like an out of control oil tanker. My inability to resist replying to your allegations, your misinterpretations, see them, laugh at them, then tear apart how boundedly rational so fucking un-AWESOME they are. Further it’s because communication is seldom an orderly process. Because i’m bizarrely perplexed when you expect me to do what you think i’m going to do. I’m done thinking of anymore. Fuck it. Least i’m an honest cunt.
But listen, something pertaining to 1.234 will materialize I expect to be here for a long time and wel all know you are Mr 1,2,3,4 logical. That’s providing you don’t get on your motherfucking knees like. Let’s go for Bears awesome arrogant, self-righteous, ignorant self to be continued...
I’ll leave you with another barrett-esque fuck up.
"My rebuttals are sound logic and cannot be defeated."
"You don't have a move"
Access denied, epic fucking fail.